Order Minimum
There is a minimum order total of $150.00.
before tax (VA residents only) and shipping.
Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 18″ Native Live Stakes For Erosion Control
An order minimum of 100 of this size/species is required.
18″ Live stake:
Attractive Flowers:
Beneficial Insects:
Clay Soil – High clay content, fine texture:
Drought Tolerant:
Flood Tolerant:
High Wildlife Value:
Native to Coastal Regions:
Native To Mountain Regions:
Native to Piedmont Regions:
OBL – Almost always occur in wetlands:
Occasionally wet soil (non-tidal):
Organic soil – high level of decayed leaves, bark:
Part – Full Shade (less than 4 hours):
Small Mammals:
An order minimum of 50 of this size/species is required. We regret that quantities less than 50 will not be honored, accepted, or processed.
Botanic name: Cephalanthus occidentalis 18″ Live Stake
Common Name: Buttonbush
- Full Sun
- Part Sun
- Part Shade
- Full Shade
- Dry
- Average
- Moist
- Wet
- Tidal
- Clay
- Loamy
- Sandy
- Organic
Mature height / spread: 6-12′
Flower: Fragrant white – July-August
Fall Color: Yellow
Soil Ph: 6.1-8.5
Water depth: to 36″
Habitat: Fresh tidal & non-tidal marshes, shrub swamps, forested wetlands, stream, lake & pond edges
Notes: Needs 6+ hours of sun to flower, tolerates flooding to 36″, tolerates drought
Threatened /Endangered:
Buttonbush is an obligate wetland shrub suitable for wetland restoration, created wetlands, and riparian zones. It has exceptional wildlife benefits. The seed is eaten by eight species of waterfowl and the twigs by three species of mammals.
Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 18″ Native Live Stakes For Erosion Control
For Shipping, Install and additional info please see “Native Species Live Stake FAQ’s“