Blephilia ciliata, Downy Wood Mint, Organically Grown Native Perennial Plugs


415 in stock

Blephilia ciliata, Downy WoodMint, Organically Grown Native Perennial Plugs, Native Wildflowers, Native Pollinator Support Plants

There is a  required minimum purchase of 5 individual plant plugs for this species.  There are 50 individual plant plugs of this species in a tray.

Wholesale pricing is based on quantity. The cost PER individual plant is:

5 or more $7.50 each
25 or more $3.50 each
50 or more $1.65 each

300 or more $1.50 each

500 or more Call 

For Shipping, Planting and additional FAQ’s please see “About our organically grown native plug trays “.

See all available Native Perennial Grasses &  Organically Grown Plug Trays

Order Minimum

There is a minimum order total of $150.00.

before tax (VA residents only) and shipping.



Blephilia ciliata, DownyWood Mint, Organically Grown Native Perennial Plugs, Native Wildflowers, Native Pollinator Support Plants

Attractive Flowers:
Average to moist soil:
Beneficial Insects:
Clay Soil- High clay content, fine texture:
Cut Flower:
Deer Resistant:
Erosion Control:
Full – Part Sun (6+ hours of sun):
Herbaceous plant:
High Wildlife Value:
Loamy Soil- mostly silt, sand, some clay:
Moist Soil:
Native to Coastal Regions:
Native To Mountain Regions:
Native to Piedmont Regions:
Organic soil- high level of decayed leaves, bark:
Pollinator support:

Blephilia ciliata, Downy WoodMint, Organically Grown Native Perennial Plugs, Native Wildflowers, Native Pollinator Support Plants

Blephilia ciliata is a species of herbaceous perennial plant in the family Lamiaceae native to eastern North America. It is commonly called downy wood mint. Other common names include downy pagoda-plant, sunny woodmint and Ohio horsemint.

Fragrant Flowers: yes
Value to Beneficial Insects
Special Value to Native Bees
Special Value to Bumble Bees
Supports Conservation Biological Control

Downy woodmint is native to eastern North America, as far west as Kansas and Oklahoma. In New England, however, it is extremely rare, with a few historical occurrences, and at least one current population. This species is sometimes grown as a garden ornamental.

Ohio Horsemint is a short-lived, but fast growing, herbaceous perennial wildflower native to the central and eastern parts of the United States, although not commonly found in North Carolina. It is typically found growing wild in thin soils over limestone in dry open woods, prairies, savannas, limestone bluffs, glades, barrens, clearings, fields, steep slopes, disturbed sites and roadsides. The leaves of this wildflower in the mint family can be used in drinks and sauces and the fragrant blue-purple flowers are in  blossom from late spring to mid-summer. The genus name comes from the Greek blepharis meaning an eyelash, which refers to the bracts being fringed by hairs.

Plant it in the full sun to partial shade in well drained loamy or silty, moist to dry soil with a PH of 6 to 8. The soil can contain significant amounts of loam, clay, or gravel. The plant has some drought tolerance, but does not tolerate waterlogged soils or flooding, salt, or soil compaction. The plant forms clumps with limited spread and the roots are fibrous and shallow. The stems give off a mild fragrance when crushed.

Blephilia ciliata, Downy WoodMint, Organically Grown Native Perennial Plugs, Native Wildflowers, Native Pollinator Support Plants

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