Clethra alnifolia, Sweet Pepperbush, plug, VA ecotype, Organically Grown Native Plugs, Native Shrubs, Native Pollinator Support Plants, SHIPS 5-12 OR LATER!


475 in stock

Clethra alnifolia, Sweet Pepperbush, plug, VA ecotype, Organically Grown Native Plugs, Native Shrubs, Native Pollinator Support Plants

(requires a minimum purchase of 5 plants)

There are 50 individual plant plugs of this species in a tray.

Wholesale pricing is based on quantity. The cost PER individual plant is:

5 or more $8.50 each

25 or more $4.00 each

50 or more $2.25 each

300 or more $2.00 each

1,000 or more call

Check the native status of this species for your area here. 

For Shipping, Planting and additional FAQ’s please see “About our organically grown native plug trays “.

See all available Native Perennial Grasses &  Organically Grown Plug Trays

Order Minimum

There is a minimum order total of $150.00.

before tax (VA residents only) and shipping.



Clethra alnifolia, Sweet Pepperbush, plug, VA ecotype, Organically Grown Native Plugs, Native Shrubs, Native Pollinator Support Plants

Coastal Pepperbush, Coastal Sweet Pepperbush, Coastal Sweet Pepper, Alderleaf Pepperbush, Alderleaf Clethra, Clethra, Summer Sweet
Clethraceae (Clethra Family)
Synonym(s): Clethra alnifolia var. tomentosa, Clethra tomentosa
USDA Symbol: clal3
USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)
Coastal sweet-pepper or summer sweet is a narrow, 6-12 ft., deciduous shrub, which often spreads into mounded clumps. A tall, many-branched, leafy shrub with spike-like, upright clusters of fragrant white flowers. The shrub has erect, multiple stems; exfoliating bark; and simple, oval, toothed leaves which turn dull yellow to orange in fall. The dense, narrow, cylindric flower spikes are often clustered together at branch ends. Fragrant flowers are white and are followed by brown capsules which persist through winter.

This shrub forms sizable patches and is remarkably free of any disease, insect, or physiological problems. Its dry fruiting capsules remain long after flowering and help identify this plant in winter. Mountain Pepperbush (C. acuminata) has more pointed leaves and is found in southern mountains.

Plant Characteristics
Duration: Perennial
Habit: Shrub
Leaf Retention: Deciduous
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Leaf Complexity: Simple
Leaf Venation: Pinnate
Leaf Margin: Serrate
Breeding System: Flowers Bisexual
Inflorescence: Spike
Fruit Type: Capsule
Size Notes: Normally 3 to 6 feet tall, but can reach 12 feet.
Leaf: Green, turning pale gold in fall. New growth bronzy.
Autumn Foliage: yes
Flower: Flowers in 3 to 8 inch spikes
Fruit: Brown
Bloom Information
Bloom Color: White , Pink
Bloom Time: Jul , Aug
Bloom Notes: Blooms on new growth.
USA: AL , CT , DE , FL , GA , LA , MA , MD , ME , MS , NC , NH , NJ , NY , PA , RI , SC , TN , TX , VA
Canada: NS
Native Distribution: MS to FL, n. through eastern portions of the coastal states to s. ME; also locally in LA & TX
Native Habitat: Swamps; sea shores; stream banks; hillside bogs
Growing Conditions
Water Use: High
Light Requirement: Sun , Part Shade , Shade
Soil Moisture: Moist , Wet
Soil pH: Acidic (pH<6.8)
CaCO3 Tolerance: Low
Drought Tolerance: Low
Soil Description: Many wet to moist, acid soils, including sands and clays.
Conditions Comments: Excellent for coastal gardens due to salt-spray tolerance.
Use Ornamental: Fragrant, showy summer flowers. Outstanding fall color.
Use Wildlife: Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds use flowers. Many birds and mammals eat the fruit.
Conspicuous Flowers: yes
Fragrant Flowers: yes
Interesting Foliage: yes
Attracts: Birds , Butterflies , Hummingbirds
Value to Beneficial Insects
Special Value to Native Bees
Special Value to Bumble Bees
Special Value to Honey Bees

This information was provided by the Pollinator Program at The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.

Clethra alnifolia, Sweet Pepperbush, plug, VA ecotype, Organically Grown Native Plugs, Native Shrubs, Native Pollinator Support Plants

For Shipping, Planting and additional FAQ’s please see “About our organically grown native plug trays “.

See all available Native Perennial Grasses &  Organically Grown Plug Trays