Hibiscus moscheutos, Swamp Hibiscus, Rose Mallow, Native Perennial Plugs, Native Wetland Plant Plugs, VA ecotype


540 in stock

Virginia Ecotype 

Hibiscus moscheutos, Swamp Hibiscus, Rose Mallow, Native Perennial Plugs, Native Wetland Plant Plugs, VA ecotype

There is a  required minimum purchase of 5 individual plant plugs for this species.  There are 50 individual plant plugs of this species in a tray.

Wholesale pricing is based on quantity. The cost PER individual plant is:

5 or more $7.50 each
25 or more $3.50 each
50 or more $1.65 each
300 or more $1.50 each

1,000 or more Call

For Shipping, Planting and additional FAQ’s please see “About our organically grown native plug trays “.

See all available Native Perennial GrassesOrganically Grown Plug Trays

View the native status of this species for your area here.

Order Minimum

There is a minimum order total of $150.00.

before tax (VA residents only) and shipping.



Hibiscus moscheutos, Swamp Hibiscus, Rose Mallow, Native Perennial Plugs, Native Wetland Plant Plugs, VA ecotype

Aquatic animal habitat support:
Attractive Flowers:
Average to moist soil:
Beneficial Insects:
Clay Soil- High clay content, fine texture:
Cut Flower:
Deer Resistant:
Erosion Control:
FACW- Usually occur in wetlands, but may occur in non-wetlands:
Flood Tolerant:
Full – Part Sun (6+ hours of sun):
Herbaceous plant:
High Wildlife Value:
Moist Soil:
Native to Coastal Regions:
Native To Mountain Regions:
Native to Piedmont Regions:
Occasionally wet soil (non tidal):
Pollinator support:
Saline tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Sandy soil, coarse texture:
Wet soil (Tidal):
Full Sun:
Native Range: Southern and eastern North America
Zone: 5 to 9
Height: 3.00 to 7.00 feet
Spread: 2.00 to 4.00 feet
Bloom Time: July to September
Bloom Description: White to pink
Sun: Full sun
Water: Medium to wet
Maintenance: Low
Suggested Use: Rain Garden
Flower: Showy
Attracts: Butterflies
Tolerate: Wet Soil
Easily grown in average, medium to wet soils in full sun. Best in moist, organically rich soils, but does surprisingly well in average garden soils as long as those soils are not allowed to dry out. Regular deep watering is advisable. Immune to the heat and humidity of the deep South. Tolerates some light shade, but full sun with good air circulation produces the best flowers, the strongest stems and the best environment for resisting potential diseases.

Moist borders. Specimens. Useful in low spots or wet areas in the landscape. Effective along streams or ponds. Temporary summer screen or hedge. Can be grown in large containers.

Easily grown in average, medium to wet soils in full sun. Best in moist, organically rich soils, but does surprisingly well in average garden soils as long as those soils are not allowed to dry out. Regular deep watering is advisable. Immune to the heat and humidity of the deep South. Tolerates some light shade, but full sun with good air circulation produces the best flowers, the strongest stems and the best environment for resisting potential diseases. Site in locations protected from wind to minimize the risk of wind burn. Pinch back growing tips when they reach 8” and again at 12” if bushy plants are desired. Deadhead individual flowers to maintain plant appearance. Cut back stems to approximately 3-4 inches in late autumn. New growth shoots are slow to emerge in spring. However, once new growth begins, it proceeds quite rapidly.

Hibiscus moscheutos, Swamp Hibiscus, Rose Mallow, Native Perennial Plugs, Native Wetland Plant Plugs, VA ecotype

See all Herbaceaous Emergents, Wetland Plants