Panicum virgatum, Switchgrass, Native Grasses, Perennial Grass Plugs, Native Plant Plugs


1950 in stock


Panicum virgatum, Switchgrass, Native Grasses, Perennial Grass Plugs

Wholesale pricing is based on quantity. 50 plants (plugs) per tray with a required minimum purchase of 5 plants per species.

5 or more $7.50 each
25 or more $3.50 each

50 or more $1.65 each

300 or more $1.50 each

1,000 or more $1.40 each

2,500 or more call

For Shipping, Planting and additional FAQ’s please see “About our organically grown native plug trays “.

See all available Native Perennial Grasses &  Organically Grown Plug Trays

Order Minimum

There is a minimum order total of $150.00.

before tax (VA residents only) and shipping.



Panicum virgatum, Switchgrass, Native Grasses, Perennial Grass Plugs

Botanic Name (s): Panicum virgatum

Common Name(s): Switchgrass

Mature height :3-6ft

Mature spread:3-6ft

Bloom Time:July-October, foliage is silvery blue, urns reddish in Fall

Sun Exposure: Full Sun Part Sun

Soil moisture: Dry Average Moist Wet

Soil Ph:4.5-8

Soil Type: Clay Soil- High clay content, fine texture

Loamy Soil- mostly silt, sand, some clay

Organic soil- high level of decayed leaves, bark

Sandy soil, coarse texture

Native Habitat: Fresh and brackish tidal and non tidal marshes, wet meadows, open woods, praries, dunes

Notes: food for sparrow species, grows in clumps, controls erosion

Erosion Control Flood Tolerant Drought tolerant

High Wildlife Value: Songbirds Game Birds Small Mammals Waterfowl

FAC- Occur in wetlands and non-wetlands

Native to Coastal Regions

Native To Mountain Regions

Native to Piedmont Regions

Native Grass

It provides good warm-season pasture and high quality hay for livestock. Erosion Control: Switchgrass is perhaps our most valuable native grass, adapted to a wide range of sites. It stabilizes soil on strip-mine spoils, sand dunes, dikes, gullies and other critical areas.

Use Ornamental: Attractive, Fall conspicuous, Pocket prairie, Grows in clumps, Accent
Use Wildlife: Fair Grazing; Seeds eaten by ground-feeding songbirds and game birds; Provides cover and nesting material.
Use Other: Used for range re-seeding.
Conspicuous Flowers: yes
Interesting Foliage: yes
Attracts: Birds , Butterflies
Larval Host: Delaware Skipper. The Grass Family is an essential larval host for most banded skippers and most of the satyrs.
Deer Resistant: High

Panicum virgatum, Switchgrass, Native Grasses, Perennial Grass Plugs

See all available native Grasses.