Panicum virgatum, Switchgrass, Native Grasses, Perennial Grass Plugs, Native Plant Plugs, SHIPS 4-28 OR LATER!


2000 in stock


Panicum virgatum, Switchgrass, Native Grasses, Perennial Grass Plugs

Wholesale pricing is based on quantity. 50 plants (plugs) per tray with a required minimum purchase of 5 plants per species.

5 or more $7.50 each
25 or more $3.50 each

50 or more $1.65 each

300 or more $1.50 each

1,000 or more $1.40 each

2,500 or more call

For Shipping, Planting and additional FAQ’s please see “About our organically grown native plug trays “.

See all available Native Perennial Grasses &  Organically Grown Plug Trays

Order Minimum

There is a minimum order total of $150.00.

before tax (VA residents only) and shipping.



Panicum virgatum, Switchgrass, Native Grasses, Perennial Grass Plugs

Botanic Name (s): Panicum virgatum

Common Name(s): Switchgrass

Mature height :3-6ft

Mature spread:3-6ft

Bloom Time:July-October, foliage is silvery blue, urns reddish in Fall

Sun Exposure: Full Sun Part Sun

Soil moisture: Dry Average Moist Wet

Soil Ph:4.5-8

Soil Type: Clay Soil- High clay content, fine texture

Loamy Soil- mostly silt, sand, some clay

Organic soil- high level of decayed leaves, bark

Sandy soil, coarse texture

Native Habitat: Fresh and brackish tidal and non tidal marshes, wet meadows, open woods, praries, dunes

Notes: food for sparrow species, grows in clumps, controls erosion

Erosion Control Flood Tolerant Drought tolerant

High Wildlife Value: Songbirds Game Birds Small Mammals Waterfowl

FAC- Occur in wetlands and non-wetlands

Native to Coastal Regions

Native To Mountain Regions

Native to Piedmont Regions

Native Grass

It provides good warm-season pasture and high quality hay for livestock. Erosion Control: Switchgrass is perhaps our most valuable native grass, adapted to a wide range of sites. It stabilizes soil on strip-mine spoils, sand dunes, dikes, gullies and other critical areas.

Use Ornamental: Attractive, Fall conspicuous, Pocket prairie, Grows in clumps, Accent
Use Wildlife: Fair Grazing; Seeds eaten by ground-feeding songbirds and game birds; Provides cover and nesting material.
Use Other: Used for range re-seeding.
Conspicuous Flowers: yes
Interesting Foliage: yes
Attracts: Birds , Butterflies
Larval Host: Delaware Skipper. The Grass Family is an essential larval host for most banded skippers and most of the satyrs.
Deer Resistant: High

Panicum virgatum, Switchgrass, Native Grasses, Perennial Grass Plugs

See all available native Grasses.