Virginia Ecotype
Solidago sempervirens, Seaside Goldenrod, Native Perennial Plant Plugs, Native Wildflowers, Native Pollinator Support Plants, Organically Grown
There is a required minimum purchase of 5 individual plant plugs for this species.
There are 50 individual plant plugs of this species in a tray.
Wholesale pricing is based on quantity. The cost PER individual plant is:
5 or more $7.50 each
25 or more $3.50 each
50 or more $1.65 each
300 or more $1.50 each
1,000 or more Call
Check the native status of this species via the USDA Plants Database here.
For Shipping, Planting and additional FAQ’s please see “About our organically grown native plug trays “.
See all available Native Perennial Grasses & Organically Grown Plug Trays
Order Minimum
There is a minimum order total of $150.00.
before tax (VA residents only) and shipping.
Solidago sempervirens, Seaside Goldenrod, Native Perennial Plant Plugs, Native Wildflowers, Native Pollinator Support Plants, Organically Grown
Check the native status of this species via the USDA Plants Database here.
For Shipping, Planting and additional FAQ’s please see “About our organically grown native plug trays “.
See all available Native Perennial Grasses & Organically Grown Plug Trays
Attractive Flowers:
Average to moist soil:
Average well drained soil:
Beneficial Insects:
Clay Soil- High clay content, fine texture:
FAC- Occur in wetlands and non-wetlands:
FACU – Usually occur in non-wetlands, but may occur in wetlands:
Full – Part Sun (6+ hours of sun):
Herbaceous plant:
Herbal / Medicinal Uses:
High Wildlife Value:
Loamy Soil- mostly silt, sand, some clay:
Medicinal Uses:
Moist Soil:
Native to Coastal Regions:
Native To Mountain Regions:
Native to Piedmont Regions:
Part – Full Shade (less than 4 hours):
Part Sun – Part Shade :
Pollinator support:
Sandy soil, coarse texture:
Small Mammals:
Solidago sempervirens, Seaside Goldenrod, Native Perennial Plant Plugs, Native Wildflowers, Native Pollinator Support Plants, Organically Grown
Full Sun:
Plant CharacteristicsDuration: Perennial
Habit: Herb
Leaf: Dark Green
Size Class: 3-6 ft.
Bloom Information
Bloom Color: Yellow
Bloom Time: Aug , Sep , Oct
USA: AL , CT , DE , FL , GA , IL , IN , LA , MA , MD , ME , MI , MS , NC , NH , NJ , NY , OH , PA , RI , SC , TX , VA
Canada: NB , NL , NS , ON , PE , QC
Native Distribution: Coastal areas from Nf. to FL, TX & Mex.
Native Habitat: Saline places along the coast
Growing Conditions
Water Use: Low
Light Requirement: Sun
Soil Moisture: Moist
CaCO3 Tolerance: Low
Soil Description: Sandy soils.
Conditions Comments: Pinch the growing tips in June for a more compact plant. This goldenrod does not spread by rhizomes or become invasive. It is resistant to salt spray.
Conspicuous Flowers: yes
Attracts: Birds
Value to Beneficial Insects
Special Value to Native Bees
Special Value to Honey Bees
Supports Conservation Biological Control
Solidago sempervirens, Seaside Goldenrod, Native Perennial Plant Plugs, Native Wildflowers, Native Pollinator Support Plants, Organically Grown
Check the native status of this species via the USDA Plants Database here.
For Shipping, Planting and additional FAQ’s please see “About our organically grown native plug trays “.
See all available Native Perennial Grasses & Organically Grown Plug Trays
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